Important Documents

Some types of emergencies provide advance warning, whereas other emergencies occur without any notice. It is recommended that you prepare for your family by ensuring copies of your important documents are in a secure location, a USB drive, or on the cloud. Below are some examples of documents to consider for your family, and include additional documents based on your personal situation:
- Passports
- Birth Certificate
- Marriage Certificate
- Divorce Papers
- Child Custody Papers
- Insurance Policies
- Contact Information of family, friends, schools, etc.
- Educational Records
- Bank Account Numbers, Credit Card Numbers, and Contacts
- Safety Deposit Box Key
- Will/ Power of Attorney/ Medical Power of Attorney
- Doctor Contact Information
- Prescription Medications
- Veterinarian Contact Information
- Pet Registration and Photo
- Emergency Contact Information
- Social Insurance Numbers
- Driver's License Numbers
- Immunization and Medical/Dental Records
- Previous Year's Income Tax Returns
- Health Card Numbers
- Vehicle Registration/ Ownership Papers
- Mortgage Statement
- Recent Photos of Family Members
- USB Backup of Electronic Files and Photos
- Complete a Personal Assessment Checklist and provide a copy to your designated network(s). Keep a copy in your emergency kit(s).
When making your plan, don’t forget to include in your plan
Learn more planning and preparedness tips for the hazards in our region.